Source code for concurrent.core.transport.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
API for transport related modules
from concurrent.core.components.component import Interface
from concurrent.core.util.hash import hash_sha, hash_md5

__all__ = ['IClientSocket', 'IThreadedSocketServer']

# This is not the SDK version! It's the internal transport version
# different SDK can communicate but not different transport protocols!
version = "0.0.1"

# The min SDK version that the current transport protocol supports
version_sdk_min = "0.0.1"

# Responses used when communcating on the control channel

[docs]class IClientSocket(object): """ Basic socket interface """
[docs] def send(self, data): """Send data to a socket""" raise NotImplementedError("send(self, data) method missing");
[docs] def receive(self, map=None): """Receive data from a socket mapping the received data if required""" raise NotImplementedError("send(self, map) method missing");
[docs] def close(self): """Close socket connection""" raise NotImplementedError("close(self) method missing");
[docs] def connect(self, host, port): """Connect to a given host and port""" raise NotImplementedError("connect(self, host, port) method missing");