concurrent.core.transport package


concurrent.core.transport.api module

API for transport related modules

class concurrent.core.transport.api.IClientSocket[source]

Bases: object

Basic socket interface


Close socket connection

connect(host, port)[source]

Connect to a given host and port


Receive data from a socket mapping the received data if required


Send data to a socket

concurrent.core.transport.gzipper module

WSGI gzip middleware adapted from:

class concurrent.core.transport.gzipper.Gzipper(app, compresslevel=6)[source]

Bases: object

WSGI middleware to wrap around and gzip all output. This automatically adds the content-encoding header.


Check to see if the client can accept gzipped output, and whether or not it is even the preferred method. If identity is higher, then no gzipping should occur.

gzip_string(string, compression_level)[source]

The gzip module didn’t provide a way to gzip just a string. Had to hack together this. I know, it isn’t pretty.


Break up the HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING header into a dict of the form, {‘encoding-name’:qvalue}.

concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver module

Implementation of our socket server

concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.tcpremote(tcp_opbject, name=None)[source]

makes TCPServer or TCPClient a decorator so that you can write :

from tcpserver import *

server = TCPServer(...)

@tcpremote(server, name=’login’) def login(request, client_address, user_name, user_pass):

class concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.TCPHandler[source]

Bases: object

Very simple TCP protocol handler that translates incomming request to function calls

add_method(name, method)[source]
handle(handler, request, data)[source]
handle_rpc(handler, request, data)[source]
class concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.TCPServer(host, port, master)[source]

Bases: SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer, concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.TCPHandler

Our threaded socket implementation is a JSON-RPC implementation using a SocketServer. We use this technique to be able to achieve high-performance in connectivity and sync between all nodes while being felxible and simple within our data interaction.

allow_reuse_address = True
client_connected(request, client_address, handler)[source]
client_disconnected(request, client_address, handler)[source]
daemon_threads = True
class concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.TCPClient(log, host, port, node, socket1=None, socket_timeout=None)[source]

Bases: concurrent.core.transport.tcpsocket.TCPSocket, concurrent.core.transport.tcpserver.TCPHandler

TCP client used to map protocol calling mechanisms to a given function. Just a special socket that does apart from sending and receiving the translation of our protocol.


Close socket connection and client thread


Connect and start the client thread to listen for responses

concurrent.core.transport.tcpsocket module

Simple base socket system used in transport protocol based systems

class concurrent.core.transport.tcpsocket.IClientSocket

Bases: object

Basic socket interface


Close socket connection

connect(host, port)

Connect to a given host and port


Receive data from a socket mapping the received data if required


Send data to a socket

concurrent.core.transport.tcpsocket.send_to(sock, method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Send data to a given socket

concurrent.core.transport.tcpsocket.receive_from(sock, map=None)[source]

Receive data from a give socket

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