Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Basic command line application
import cmd
import locale
import os
import shlex
import sys

from concurrent.core.util.texttransforms import _, to_unicode, console_print
from concurrent.core.util.texttransforms import printerr, printout
from concurrent.core.exceptions.baseerror import BaseError

[docs]class CMD(cmd.Cmd): """ Basic CMD application """ # Definitions we need (see cmd.Cmd for more info) intro = '' doc_header = 'DEFINE HEADER' ruler = '' prompt = "CMD> " __env = None _date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' _datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' _date_format_hint = 'YYYY-MM-DD' def __init__(self, envdir=None): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.interactive = False if envdir: self.env_set(os.path.abspath(envdir)) self._permsys = None self.envname = ''
[docs] def emptyline(self): pass
[docs] def onecmd(self, line): """`line` may be a `str` or an `unicode` object""" try: if isinstance(line, str): if self.interactive: encoding = sys.stdin.encoding else: encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() # sys.argv line = to_unicode(line, encoding) if self.interactive: line = line.replace('\\', '\\\\') rv = cmd.Cmd.onecmd(self, line) or 0 except SystemExit: raise except BaseError as e: printerr(_("Command failed:"), e) rv = 2 if not self.interactive: return rv
[docs] def set_env(self, name, env=None): """ Set a new env to be used """ self.envname = name
[docs] def print_interactive_header(self): printout(_("""[Generic CMD App] Copyright (c) 2014 Moritz Wundke Type: '?' or 'help' for help on commands. """))
[docs] def run(self): self.interactive = True self.print_interactive_header() self.cmdloop()
[docs] def print_version(self): """ Print version of app """ printout(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), '0')
[docs] def main(self, args=None): """ Main entry point for this application """ if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) > 0: if args[0] in ('-h', '--help', 'help'): return self.onecmd('help') elif args[0] in ('-v','--version'): self.print_version() else: env_path = os.path.abspath(args[0]) try: try: unicode(env_path, 'ascii') except NameError: str(env_path, 'ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: printerr(_("non-ascii environment path '%(path)s' not " "supported.", path=env_path)) sys.exit(2) self.set_env(env_path) if len(args) > 1: s_args = ' '.join(["'%s'" % c for c in args[2:]]) command = args[1] + ' ' +s_args return self.onecmd(command) else: while True: try: except KeyboardInterrupt: self.do_quit('') else: while True: try: except KeyboardInterrupt: self.do_quit('') #=============================================================================== # Miscs #===============================================================================
[docs] def print_line(self): """ Print a line :P """ printout(_("""--------------------------------------------------------------------------"""))
[docs] def unicod_safe_split (self, argstr): """ `argstr` is an `str` string """ try: return [unicode(token, 'utf-8') for token in shlex.split(argstr.encode('utf-8'))] or [''] except NameError: return [str(token, 'utf-8') for token in shlex.split(argstr.encode('utf-8'))] or ['']
[docs] def complete_word (self, text, words): return [a for a in words if a.startswith (text)]
[docs] def print_help(cls, docs, stream=None): if stream is None: stream = sys.stdout if not docs: return for cmd, doc in docs: console_print(stream, ' * [%s]' % cmd, newline=False) console_print(stream, '\n - %s' % doc, newline=True)
print_help = classmethod(print_help) #=============================================================================== # Commands - Help #=============================================================================== _help_help = [('help','Show help')]
[docs] def all_docs(cls): return ( cls._help_help + cls._help_quit )
all_docs = classmethod(all_docs)
[docs] def print_help_header(self): printout(_("Concurrent - Console application"))
[docs] def print_usage_help(self): printout(_("Usage: <appname> </path/to/projenv> " "[command [subcommand] [option ...]]\n") ) printout(_("Invoking <appname> without command starts " "interactive mode."))
[docs] def do_help(self, line=None): self.print_help_header() arg = self.unicod_safe_split(line) if arg[0]: try: doc = getattr(self, "_help_" + arg[0]) self.print_help(doc) except AttributeError: printerr(_("No documentation found for '%(cmd)s'", cmd=arg[0])) else: self.print_usage_help() self.print_help(self.all_docs()) #=============================================================================== # Commands - Exit (EOF or quit) #===============================================================================
_help_quit = [['quit', 'Exit']] _help_exit = _help_quit _help_EOF = _help_quit
[docs] def do_quit(self, line): printout(_("\nSee you soon!")) sys.exit() # make aliasses for the others
do_exit = do_quit do_EOF = do_quit