# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Basic Concurrent environment
import os, sys
import threading
except ImportError:
import dummy_threading as threading
import setuptools
import sqlalchemy
import web
# Python 2
from urlparse import urlsplit
except ImportError:
# Python 3
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from concurrent.core.components.component import Component, ComponentManager
from concurrent.core.components.component import implements, ExtensionPoint
from concurrent.core.exceptions.baseerror import BaseError
from concurrent.core.environment.api import IEnvUpgrader, IEnvBackup, IEnvDelete
from concurrent.core.application.api import IApp, APP_RET_CODE_FAILED
from concurrent.core.application.application import ApplicationManager
from concurrent.core.application.application import DEFAULT_APPLICATION
from concurrent.core.logging.log import *
from concurrent.core.util.date import to_datetime, format_time
from concurrent.core.util.utils import get_pkginfo
from concurrent.core.util.texttransforms import _
from concurrent.core.util.texttransforms import printout
from concurrent.core.util.filehandling import create_file, create_dir_gitsafe
from concurrent.core.util.filehandling import zip_create_from_folder
from concurrent.core.config.config import *
from concurrent.core.db.dbmanager import DatabaseManager
__all__ = ['Environment', 'EnvFolderCheckError', 'EnvWrongVersionError', 'EnvSetup']
[docs]class EnvFolderCheckError(BaseError):
Error raised when the env got bad folders
title = "[Environment Error]"
[docs]class EnvWrongVersionError(BaseError):
Error raised when the env saved was build with a different version
title = "[Environment Error]"
[docs]class Environment(Component, ComponentManager):
This is our environment, it represents a real physical structure in disc where a aplications
life's in.
The env is a like:
- logs/
- configs/
- plugins/
- backups/
Every folder in our environment needs a dummy file, this file is used in env checks!
The name of the dummy file is espected to be equal the name of the direct parent folder.
upgrade_components = ExtensionPoint(IEnvUpgrader)
backup_components = ExtensionPoint(IEnvBackup)
delete_components = ExtensionPoint(IEnvDelete)
# basic environment item
extra_plugins_dir = PathItem('project', 'plugins', '',
"""Path from where we load additional plugins. Apart from
those we'll load all those located in the path pointed out `plugins`
env var.""")
project_name = ConfigItem('project', 'name', 'Concurrent - Project',
"""Name of the project.""")
project_desc = ConfigItem('project', 'descr',
'Concurrent - Python apps for everyone!',
"""Short description of the project.""")
project_app = ExtensionPointItem('project', 'app',
"""Application that will run in this environment.""")
# logger configurations
log_type = ConfigItem('logging', 'log_type', 'file',
"""type of log we'll use: (`none`, `file`, `stderr`, `syslog`,
log_file = ConfigItem('logging', 'log_file', 'env.log',
"""If your log type is `file` this will be the target file""")
log_level = ConfigItem('logging', 'log_level', 'DEBUG',
"""Python logger Level: (`CRITICAL`, `ERROR`, `WARN`, `INFO`,
log_format = ConfigItem('logging', 'log_format', None,
"""Custom logging format.
If nothing is set, the following will be used:
Format can include regular log tags:
- http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html#formatter-objects.
Concurrent addes several new tags':
- $(app)s - application that is running in this environment
- $(path)s - full environmnet path
- $(basename)s - basename of the environmnet path
- $(project_name)s - current project name that lifes in the env"""
% {'default_format':get_escaped_default_log_format()})
def __init__(self, basepath, create=False, args=None):
Open/create an env.
@param basepath: The absolute path to our environment
@param create: If true we'll try to create a new environment in basepath,
if false we'll load an env (must be created!)
@param args: List of tuples used to setup the env. The tuples are styled like:
(section, name, value)
# handle version and system info
import concurrent
from concurrent import __version__ as VERSION
self.systeminfo = [
('concurrent', get_pkginfo(concurrent).get('version', VERSION)),
('Python', sys.version),
('setuptools', setuptools.__version__),
('sqlalchemy', sqlalchemy.__version__),
('web.py', web.__version__),
# Default empty array, do not do this as a default argument!
# see: http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:w0102
if args is None:
args = []
self.config = None
self.log_instance = None
self.log = None
self.basepath = basepath
# Create all directories if needed
if create:
# Setup env config items
# Setup logs
# Make a separator in the log so we now better when we start
if create:
self.log.info("Creating new env...")
self.log.info("Launching env...")
# Now we need to load our components. This needs to be done
# because we got some components that catches when a new env
# will be created
from concurrent.core.components.componentloader import load_components
plugins_dir = self.extra_plugins_dir
load_components(self, plugins_dir and (plugins_dir,))
# initialize db manager
self.db_manager = DatabaseManager(self)
# Initialize APP Manager
self.app_manager = ApplicationManager(self)
# Create or check the env :D
if create:
# Check if the basepath is set well or not :D
# inform of creation
if create:
for upgrade_component in self.upgrade_components:
[docs] def launch_main_app(self):
Method that will launch the registered main app for this environment
return self.project_app.app_main()
[docs] def get_app_name(self):
Return name of currently running application
return self.config.get('project', 'app', DEFAULT_APPLICATION)
[docs] def create(self, args=None):
Will try to create a new environment. Our basepath has already been set in the
If args contains ('baseon', 'file'), default values will not be
loaded; they are expected to be provided by that file or other options.
@param args: List of tuples used to setup the env. The tuples are styled like:
(section, name, value)
from concurrent import __version__ as VERSION
# Default empty array, do not do this as a default argument!
# see: http://pylint-messages.wikidot.com/messages:w0102
if args is None:
args = []
# Create base Concurrent files
_('%(version)s\n', version=VERSION))
'A simple Concurrent environment\n')
# Create base config file!
# Setup the default configuration
skip_defaults = args and ('baseon', 'file') in [(section, option) \
for (section, option, value) in args]
self.setup_config(use_defaults=not skip_defaults)
for section, name, value in args:
self.config.set(section, name, value)
[docs] def setup_log(self):
Setup our logger
self.log_instance = Log(self)
self.log = self.log_instance.logger
[docs] def setup_config(self, use_defaults=False):
Will try to load the environment config file using our config reader.
If we need to use the defaults we'll also regenerate the config file.
self.config = ConfigHandle(os.path.join(self.get_configs_dir(),
if use_defaults:
for section, default_options in self.config.defaults().items():
for name, value in default_options.items():
if self.config.based_on and \
name in self.config.based_on[section]:
value = None
self.config.set(section, name, value)
[docs] def shutdown(self, tid=None, except_logging=False):
"""Shutdown the environment."""
# Shutdown db manager
# Flush logger
if tid is None and not except_logging and \
hasattr(self.log, 'custom_handler'):
hdlr = self.log.custom_handler
del self.log.custom_handler
del self.log
# -- Component manager overwrites
[docs] def activate_component(self, component):
"""Initialize member vasr of the component.
Concurrent will initialize the environment (env) the config handle
(config) and the logger (log)"""
component.env = self
component.config = self.config
component.log = self.log
[docs] def is_component_enabled(self, cls):
"""If a compoent is not enabled but it should be (always enabled
componentsor such) return true. Otherwise return false and prevent
if not isinstance(cls, basestring):
component_name = (cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__name__).lower()
component_name = cls.lower()
rules = [(name.lower(), value.lower() in ('enabled', 'on'))
for name, value in self.config.items('components')]
rules.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(len(a[0]), len(b[0])))
for pattern, enabled in rules:
if component_name == pattern or pattern.endswith('*') \
and component_name.startswith(pattern[:-1]):
return enabled
# By default, all components in the trac package are enabled
return component_name.startswith('concurrent.')
[docs] def backup_get_default_file_name(self):
get default backup file name
time_string = format_time(to_datetime(None), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
return os.path.join(self.get_backups_dir(), time_string+'.zip')
[docs] def backup(self, source=None, dest=None):
backup the whole environment to a zip file
# Create backup dir if not set
if not os.path.exists(self.get_backups_dir()):
# create zip file of all but the backup folder
if not dest:
dest = self.backup_get_default_file_name()
if not source:
source = self.basepath
zip_create_from_folder(self.basepath, dest,
# Now go through all backup listeners
for backuper in self.backup_components:
# TODO: Open the zip file to add stufff to it!
[docs] def restored(self):
Called when this env has been restored
for restorer in self.backup_components:
[docs] def delete(self):
Delete an environment is like uninstalling it
printout(_(" Uninstalling Components"))
for deleter in self.delete_components:
printout(_(" Environment successfully uninstalled"))
[docs] def needs_upgrade(self):
"""Return whether the environment needs to be upgraded."""
dbmanager = None
for upgrader in self.upgrade_components:
if upgrader.env_need_upgrade(dbmanager):
self.log.warning('Component %s requires environment upgrade',
return True
return False
[docs] def upgrade(self, backup=False, backup_dest=None):
"""Upgrade database.
@param backup: whether or not to backup before upgrading
@param backup_dest: name of the backup file
@return: whether the upgrade was performed
dbmanager = None
upgraders = []
for upgrader in self.upgrade_components:
if upgrader.env_need_upgrade(dbmanager):
if not upgraders:
return False
if backup:
self.backup(self.basepath, backup_dest)
for upgrader in upgraders:
# Database schema may have changed, so close all connections
return True
# -- Directory Structure definitions
[docs] def check(self):
Check if the current basepath is a valid environment. It just checks if all
directories and needed files are in here.
# Check environment version
# Check dirs
# These are the base folders for any web.py app
[docs] def conditional_create_env_dirs(self):
Create all dirs the environment needs
# Create the directory structure
if not os.path.exists(self.basepath):
# we.py required folders
# Create gitignore in root of env
create_file(os.path.join(self.basepath,'.gitignore'), '*.log')
[docs] def get_version_from_file(self):
Return the version saved in the 'VERSION' file of the env
if not os.path.exists(self.get_version_file_path()):
raise EnvWrongVersionError(_("Env needs a file called `VERSION` "\
"to save it's version in the env root."))
file_handle = open(self.get_version_file_path(), 'r')
saved_version = file_handle.read().split()[0]
return saved_version
raise EnvWrongVersionError(_("Version file corrupted!"))
[docs] def check_version(self):
Checks current installed framework version
from concurrent import __version__ as VERSION
saved_version = self.get_version_from_file()
if saved_version != VERSION:
raise EnvWrongVersionError(_("Version check failed! Saved " \
"Version `%(saved_version)s` != Concurrent Version " \
"`%(concurrent_version)s`" \
[docs] def check_dir(cls, dirname):
Check if the dir has a file with the same name as it's children
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
raise EnvFolderCheckError(_("%(dir)s does not exist!", dir=dirname))
[docs] def get_version_file_path(self):
Absolute path to the version file
return os.path.join(self.basepath,'VERSION')
[docs] def get_readme_file_path(self):
Absolute path to the readme file
return os.path.join(self.basepath,'README')
[docs] def get_ini_filename(cls):
get the filename we use for our main ini
from concurrent.core.config.config import _INI_FILENAME
[docs] def get_logs_dir(self):
Absulute path where our logs are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_logs_dir_name())
[docs] def get_logs_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the logs folder
return 'logs'
[docs] def get_configs_dir(self):
Absulute path where our configs are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_configs_dir_name())
[docs] def get_configs_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the configs folder
return 'configs'
[docs] def get_plugins_dir(self):
Absulute path where our plugins are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_plugins_dir_name())
[docs] def get_plugins_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the plugins folder
return 'plugins'
[docs] def get_backups_dir(self):
Absulute path where our backups are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_backups_dir_name())
[docs] def get_backups_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the backups folder
return 'backups'
[docs] def get_sql_dir(self):
Absulute path where our sql schemas are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_sql_dir_name())
[docs] def get_sql_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the sql folder
return 'sql'
[docs] def get_templates_dir(self):
Absulute path where our templates are
return os.path.join(self.basepath, self.get_templates_dir_name())
[docs] def get_templates_dir_name(cls):
Return the name of the templates folder
return 'templates'
[docs]class EnvSetup(Component):
Component which will act as the setup manager for the environment. Also
handles main backup/restore procedures if something hapens to the environment
implements(IEnvUpgrader, IEnvBackup, IEnvDelete)
# IEnvDelete methods
[docs] def env_delete(self):
Called when an env get's deleted, env is still valid
self.log.info("(EnvSetup) Deleting Environment...")
# IEnvBackup methods
[docs] def env_backup(self):
Called when we make a backup
backup_data ={}
self.log.info("(EnvSetup) Backup Environment...")
return backup_data
[docs] def env_restore(self):
Called when we make a restore
self.log.info("(EnvSetup) Restore Environment...")
# IEnvUpgrader methods
[docs] def env_created(self):
Called when a new env has been created
self.log.info("(EnvSetup) Created Environment...")
[docs] def env_need_upgrade(self, dbManager):
Called when we start an environment, if this call returns true the env will not able to
load until we force an upgrade.
TODO: This needs to be done!
return False
[docs] def env_do_upgrade(self, dbManager):
This will perform the actual upgrade process. Be careful on using db transactions
self.log.info("(EnvSetup) Uprade Environment...")