Source code for concurrent.core.environment.envadmin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Basic command line application
import os
import pkg_resources
import sys
import traceback

from concurrent import __version__ as VERSION
from concurrent.core.util.texttransforms import to_unicode, raw_input, _, printerr, printout
from concurrent.core.exceptions.baseerror import BaseError
from concurrent.core.environment.environment import Environment
from concurrent.core.util.filehandling import zip_is_valid,purge_dir
from concurrent.core.config.config import _INI_FILENAME, get_true_values
from concurrent.core.application.api import SUCCESS_RET_CODES

# Our version numbers are handeled by setuptools
    CONCURRENT_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('Concurrent').version

[docs]class RecoverBackupFileError(BaseError): """ Simple error used when trying to recover an env from a backup file """ title="[Recover Backup Error]"
[docs]class EnvAdmin( """ Bash application that helps us with our env's. """ # Definitions we need (see cmd.Cmd for more info) doc_header = 'Concurrent Admin Console %(version)s\n' \ 'Available Commands:\n' \ % {'version': CONCURRENT_VERSION} prompt = "Con> "
[docs] def print_interactive_header(self): printout(_("""[Welcome to Concurrent Environment Admin] %(version)s Copyright (c) 2014 Moritz Wundke Type: '?' or 'help' for help on commands. """, version=CONCURRENT_VERSION))
[docs] def print_version(self): """ Print version of app """ printout(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), CONCURRENT_VERSION) #=============================================================================== # Environmnet Helpers #===============================================================================
[docs] def set_env(self, name, env=None): """ Set a new env to be used """, name, env) if env is not None: self.__env = env # Set the new prompt :P self.prompt = "Con-[%s]> " % (self.envname)
[docs] def open_env(self): """ Opens the currently selected environment """ try: if not self.__env: self.__env = Environment(self.envname) except Exception as e: printerr(_("Ups... I could not open the environment!"), e ) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(1)
[docs] def ceck_env(self, print_error=False): """ Will return true if the environment can be opened and false otherwise """ try: self.__env = Environment(self.envname) except Exception as e: if print_error: printerr(_("Ups... I could not open the environment!"), e ) traceback.print_exc() return False return True #=============================================================================== # Commands - Help #===============================================================================
[docs] def print_help_header(self): printout(_("Concurrent - Environment Admin"))
[docs] def print_usage_help(self): printout(_("Usage: con-admin </path/to/project> " "[command [subcommand] [option ...]]\n") ) printout(_("Invoking con-admin without command starts " "interactive mode."))
[docs] def all_docs(cls): """ Add specifc help content """ return ( + cls._help_plugin + cls._help_createenv + cls._help_launchenv + cls._help_backup + cls._help_recover + cls._help_update + cls._help_delete + cls._help_setdefault )
all_docs = classmethod(all_docs) #=============================================================================== # Commands - Quit #===============================================================================
[docs] def do_quit(self, line): """ Exit app """ # cleanup the env if there is any open try: self.__env.shutdown() except: # Nothing to cleanup pass # Now finish exit, line) #=============================================================================== # Commands - Plugin stuff (admin what we got enabled and what not :P) #===============================================================================
_help_plugin = [ ('plugin list','Show a list of available plugins'), ('plugin setapp <name>','Will set a plugin to be the standart app to run in this environment ') ]
[docs] def complete_plugin(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): comp = ['list', 'setapp'] return self.word_complete(text, comp) # TODO: Make plugins configurable here!
[docs] def do_plugin(self, line): args = self.unicod_safe_split(line) if args[0] == 'list': printout(_("TODO: register plugins")) elif args[0] == 'setapp' and len(args)==2: printout(_("TODO: set app to life in env")) else: self.do_help ('plugin') #=============================================================================== # Commands - Environment launching # TODO: Finish components/config in environment # TODO: Add daemonize process into launch option! #===============================================================================
_help_launchenv = [('launchenv','Launch app in env (default app)')]
[docs] def do_launchenv(self, line): """ launch the current app or a different one in the env. Different apps are usful to testing reasons! """ def launchenv_error(msg): printerr(_("Launchenv for '%(env)s' failed:", env=self.envname), "\n", msg) # Open env if not self.ceck_env(True): launchenv_error("Environment not created or corrupted!") return 2 # launch application retcode = self.__env.launch_main_app() if retcode in SUCCESS_RET_CODES:"Executed successfully!") else: self.__env.log.error("Execution failed!") import threading self.__env.log.error("Active threads:") for thread in threading.enumerate(): self.__env.log.error(" - %s" % str(thread)) # Close environment! self.__env.shutdown() # Make sure we kill us :D sys.exit(retcode) #=============================================================================== # Commands - Environment Creation #===============================================================================
_help_createenv = [ ('createenv','Create and initialize a new environment interactively'), ('createenv </path/to/project> <project_name> <targetapp>','Create and initialize a new environment') ]
[docs] def get_createenv_data(self): returnvals = [] # Basic instructions self.print_line() printout(_("""Starting Interactive environment creation at <%(envname)s> This is the interactive guide on environment creation. Just follow the instructions.""", envname=self.envname)) self.print_line() # Env path printout(_(""" Now enter the absolute path where your environment should be created.""")) path = self.envname returnvals.append(raw_input(_("</path/to/project> [%(default)s]> ", default=path)).strip() or path) self.print_line() # Environment app printout(_(""" Enter the name of the project you are about to create""")) path = "My Project" returnvals.append(raw_input(_("project_name [%(default)s]> ", default=path)).strip() or path) self.print_line() return returnvals
[docs] def do_createenv(self, line): """ Create environment by passed arguments or interactively """ def createenv_error(msg): printerr(_("Createenv for '%(env)s' failed:", env=self.envname), "\n", msg) if self.ceck_env(): createenv_error("Environment already created in specified path!") return 2 if os.path.exists(self.envname) and os.listdir(self.envname): createenv_error("Target folder not empty!") return 2 project_name = None # get arguments args = self.unicod_safe_split(line) if len(args) == 1 and not args[0]: returnvals = self.get_createenv_data() path, project_name = returnvals elif len(args) != 2: createenv_error('Wrong number of arguments: %d' % len(args)) return 2 else: path, project_name = args[:2] try: # Uppdate promt and internal stuff self.set_env(path) # Start env creation printout(_("Creating and Initializing Environment")) options = [ ('env', 'path', self.envname), ('project', 'name', project_name), ] # OVER-WRITE THESE OPTIONS from a file try: self.__env = Environment(self.envname, create=True, args=options) except Exception as e: # Bad thing happened! createenv_error('Failed to create environment. Created files will be deleted') printerr(e) traceback.print_exc() purge_dir( path ) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: createenv_error(to_unicode(e)) traceback.print_exc() return 2 # Close environment! self.__env.shutdown() self.print_line() printout(_("""Project environment for '%(project_name)s' created. You may now configure the environment by editing the file: %(config_path)s Have a nice day! """, project_name=project_name, project_path=self.envname, project_dir=os.path.basename(self.envname), config_path=os.path.join(self.__env.get_configs_dir(), _INI_FILENAME))) #=============================================================================== # Update environment #===============================================================================
_help_update = [ ('update', 'Update environment interactively'), ('update </path/to/project>', 'Update environment') ]
[docs] def do_update(self, line): pass #=============================================================================== # Set default values to env #===============================================================================
_help_setdefault = [ ('setdefault', 'Set default values to env') ]
[docs] def do_setdefault(self, line): pass #=============================================================================== # Delete environment #===============================================================================
_help_delete = [ ('delete', 'Delete environment interactively'), ('delete </path/to/project>', 'Delete environment') ]
[docs] def get_delete_data(self): returnvals = [] # Basic instructions self.print_line() printout(_("""Starting Interactive environment deletion at <%(envname)s>""", envname=self.envname)) self.print_line() # Env path printout(_(""" Now enter the absolute path to the environment that will be deleted.""")) path = self.envname returnvals.append(raw_input(_("</path/to/project> [%(default)s]> ", default=path)).strip() or path) self.print_line() return returnvals
[docs] def do_delete(self, line): def delete_error(msg): printerr(_("Delete for '%(env)s' failed:", env=self.envname), "\n", msg) # get arguments env_dir = None args = self.unicod_safe_split(line) # Interactive or not interactive_delete = False if len(args) == 1 and not args[0]: returnvals = self.get_delete_data() env_dir = returnvals[0] interactive_delete = True elif len(args) != 1: delete_error('Wrong number of arguments: %d' % len(args)) return 2 else: env_dir = args[0] # Set the right env dir self.envname = env_dir if self.__env and self.__env.basepath == self.envname: delete_error("Can not delete currently open environment! Close and open the admin!") return 2 # Open env if not self.ceck_env(): delete_error("Environment not created or corrupted!") return 2 if interactive_delete: no_option = "no" value = raw_input(_("Delete Environment? [%(default)s]> ", default=no_option)).strip() or no_option # Ask again if we want to delete the env! value = value.lower() in get_true_values() if not value: printout(_("Delete Canceled!")) return # Delete it! printout(_("Starting Delete Process")) self.__env.delete() # Close environment! self.__env.shutdown() # It's deleted, so purge it! printout(_(" Purge env directory %(purge_dir)s", purge_dir=self.envname)) purge_dir(self.envname) printout(_("Environment successfully deleted")) #=============================================================================== # Backup environment #===============================================================================
_help_backup = [ ('backup','backup an environment interactively'), ('backup </path/to/project> <dest_file>','backup an environment') ]
[docs] def get_backup_data(self): returnvals = [] # Basic instructions self.print_line() printout(_("""Starting Interactive environment backup at <%(envname)s> Follow the instructions to backup the environment!""", envname=self.envname)) self.print_line() # Env path printout(_(""" Now enter the absolute path to the environment that you will backup.""")) path = self.envname returnvals.append(raw_input(_("</path/to/project> [%(default)s]> ", default=path)).strip() or path) self.print_line() # Environment app printout(_(""" Destination file for tghe backup""")) dest = self.__env.backup_get_default_file_name() returnvals.append(raw_input(_("</dest/file> [%(default)s]> ", default=dest)).strip() or dest) return returnvals
[docs] def do_backup(self, line): """ backup the current env """ def backup_error(msg): printerr(_("Backup for '%(env)s' failed:", env=self.envname), "\n", msg) # Open env if not self.ceck_env(True): backup_error("Environment not created or corrupted!") return 2 # get arguments backup_source = None backup_dest = None args = self.unicod_safe_split(line) if len(args) == 1 and not args[0]: returnvals = self.get_backup_data() backup_source, backup_dest = returnvals elif len(args) != 2: backup_error('Wrong number of arguments: %d' % len(args)) return 2 else: backup_source, backup_dest = args[:2] self.__env.backup(backup_source, backup_dest) # Close environment! self.__env.shutdown() #=============================================================================== # Recover environment from backup #===============================================================================
_help_recover = [ ('recover','recover an environment interactively'), ('recover </path/to/project> <backup_file>','recover an environment') ]
[docs] def get_recover_data(self): returnvals = [] # Basic instructions self.print_line() printout(_("""Starting Interactive environment recovering at <%(envname)s> Follow the instructions to recover environment!""", envname=self.envname)) self.print_line() # Env path printout(_(""" Now enter the absolute path where your environment should be created.""")) path = self.envname returnvals.append(raw_input(_("</path/to/project> [%(default)s]> ", default=path)).strip() or path) self.print_line() # Environment app printout(_(""" Enter path where the backup file is locates""")) prompt = _("Backup File [</path/to/file>]> ") returnvals.append(raw_input(prompt).strip()) return returnvals
[docs] def recover_env(self, backupfile, dest_env=None, ): """ recreate an env from a backup file """ if zip_is_valid( backupfile ): if not dest_env: dest_env = self.envname self.print_line() printout(_("Starting recovery")) printout(_("\trecovery file: \t%(backupfile)s",backupfile=backupfile)) printout(_("\tenv path: \t%(dest_env)s",dest_env=dest_env)) #TODO: call self.__env.restored() on the recovered env! else: raise RecoverBackupFileError(_("Invalid zip file for recovery!"))
[docs] def do_recover(self, line): """ backup the current env """ def recover_error(msg): printerr(_("Recover for '%(env)s' failed:", env=self.envname), "\n", msg) # get arguments backup_file = None dest_env = None args = self.unicod_safe_split(line) if len(args) == 1 and not args[0]: returnvals = self.get_recover_data() dest_env, backup_file = returnvals elif len(args) != 2: recover_error('Wrong number of arguments: %d' % len(args)) return 2 else: dest_env, backup_file = args[:2] self.recover_env(backup_file, dest_env) # Close environment! self.__env.shutdown()
[docs]def main(args=None): admin = EnvAdmin() admin.main(args)
if __name__ == '__main__': pkg_resources.require('Concurrent==%s' % VERSION) sys.exit(main())